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Moodle App Plugins API Reference

Content responses

Methods defined in the classes/output/mobile.php class will be called through the tool_mobile_get_content Web Service, and should have the following structure in their response:

templates-An array of templates used by the handler.

For method responses, the first one will be used to render the page content and all of them will be available in JavaScript at this.CONTENT_TEMPLATES.

For init responses, they will be available in JavaScript at this.INIT_TEMPLATES.

You can learn more about this in Rendering UI.
templates[].idRequiredID of the template.
templates[].htmlRequiredHTML code. This HTML will be rendered in the app, so you should use Ionic and custom app components rather than Bootstrap.
javascript-JavaScript code to execute immediately after the Web Service call returns. This may happen before the template is rendered in the DOM, if you need to make sure that it has been rendered you should put your code inside of a setTimeout callback.
otherdata-Object with arbitrary data to use in the template and JavaScript, supporting 2-way data-binding.

For method responses, it will be available in JavaScript at this.CONTENT_OTHERDATA.

For init responses, it will be available in JavaScript at this.INIT_OTHERDATA.

Note that sending nested arrays will cause an error, you should serialize any complex values with json_encode (they'll still be available as proper arrays or objects in JavaScript).
files-A list of files that the app should be able to download (mostly for offline usage).
restrict-Object with conditions to restrict the handler depending on the context.

This is only used in init responses.
restrict.usersAll usersList of allowed user IDs.
restrict.coursesAll coursesList of allowed course IDs.
disabledfalseWhether to disable the handler entirely.

This is only used in init responses.


The JavaScript returned by content responses, as well as the JavaScript executed in Angular within templates, has access to the following functions:

  • openContent(...): Open a new page to display some new content. Takes the following arguments:
    • title: string: Title to display with the new content.
    • args: Record<string, unknown>: Arguments for the new content request.
    • component?: string: Component for the new content request. If not provided, the current component will be used.
    • method?: string: Method for the new content request. If not provided, the current method will be used.
    • jsData?: Record<string, unknown> | boolean: Variables to use in the JavaScript of the new content response. If true is supplied instead of an object, all initial variables from current page will be used.
    • preSets?: CoreSiteWSPreSets: Presets for the Web Service call of the new content request.
    • ptrEnabled?: boolean: Whether PTR (pull-to-refresh) should be enabled in the new page. Defaults to true.
  • refreshContent(showSpinner: boolean = true): Refresh the current content.
  • updateContent(...): Refresh the current page with new content. Takes the following arguments:
    • args?: Record<string, unknown>: Arguments for the new content request.
    • component?: string: Component for the new content request. If not provided, the current component will be used.
    • method?: string: Method for the new content request. If not provided, the current method will be used.
    • jsData?: Record<string, unknown>: Variables to use in the JavaScript of the new content response.
    • preSets?: CoreSiteWSPreSets: Presets for the Web Service call of the new content request.
  • updateModuleCourseContent(cmId: number, alreadyFetched?: boolean): Update the content for a module in the course page. Only works if that module is a site plugin using coursepagemethod.
  • updateCachedContent(): Update cached content for the page without reloading the UI. This is useful to update subsequent views. Only available in 4.4+.

You can learn how to use these functions in the Group Selector example.


For content used to render pages, it is possible to hook into Ionic Life Cycle Hooks in JavaScript.

Additionally, you can also define a canLeave method that will be used in the canDeactive guard of the Angular route definition.

this.ionViewWillLeave = function() {
// ...

this.canLeave = function() {
// ...


Handlers are configured under the handlers property in mobile.php using an associative array with the name of the handler and configuration options. The handler name should be an alphanumeric string.

These are the configuration options common to most handlers, you can find specific options depending on the delegate below.

delegate-Name of the delegate to register the handler in. See the following sections for available delegates.
method-Name of the PHP method used to retrieve the page content.
init-Name of the PHP method used during JavaScript initialisation.
styles-An associative array with configuration options for CSS styles.
styles.urlRequiredURL pointing to a CSS file, either using an absolute URL or a relative URL. The CSS will be downloaded and applied to the whole app, so it's recommended to include styles scoped to your plugin templates.
styles.versionRequiredVersion number used to determine if the file needs to be downloaded again. You should change the version number every time you change the contents of the CSS file.
moodlecomponentPlugin nameName of the component implemented by the handler.

Most of the time, this can be ignored because mobile support is usually included in the same plugin where custom components are defined, but it may be different in some cases. For example, imagine a local plugin called local_myactivitymobile is implementing mobile support for a mod_myactivity component. In that case, you would set this option to "mod_myactivity".
restricttocurrentuserfalseRestricts the handler to appear only for the current user. For more advanced restrictions, you can use the restrict and disabled properties returned during JavaScript initialisation.
restricttoenrolledcoursesfalseRestricts the handler to appear only for courses the user is enrolled in. For more advanced restrictions, you can use the restrict and disabled properties returned during JavaScript initialisation.


Adds a new item to the main menu. Main Menu handlers are always displayed in the More menu (the three dots), they cannot be displayed as tabs in the main navigation bar.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the main menu item.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the main menu item. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.iconRequiredThe icon to use in the main menu item. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the main menu item.
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority items are displayed first.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Adds new tabs in the home page. By default, the app is displaying the "Dashboard" and "Site home" tabs.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the tab.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the tab. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the tab.
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority tabs are displayed first.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Add new option in the course page, either as a tab or in the course summary. For example, the tab will appear alongside Participants and Grades. And the course summary can be opened using the info icon in the header.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the tab.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the tab. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the tab.
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority tabs are displayed first.
ismenuhandlerfalseWhether to show the option in the course summary.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Add support for activity modules or resources.

The following functions can be declared in the object evaluated in the last statement of the JavaScript initialisation in order to implement additional functionality:

  • supportsFeature(feature: string): any: Check whether the module supports a given feature.
  • manualCompletionAlwaysShown(module: CoreCourseModuleData): Promise<boolean>: Check whether to show the manual completion regardless of the course's showcompletionconditions setting.

You can learn more about this in the Course Modules example.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


method-Name of the PHP method used to render the page content.

When this option is missing, the module won't be clickable; regardless of FEATURE_NO_VIEW_LINK feature support.
coursepagemethod-Name of the PHP method used to render the module in the course page. The rendered HTML should not contain directives or components, only plain HTML.

When this option is present, the module won't be clickable; regardless of FEATURE_NO_VIEW_LINK feature support.
displaydata-An associative array with configuration options for the module icon.
displaydata.icon-The icon to use for the module. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the module icon.
offlinefunctions[]Associative array where the keys are functions to call when prefetching the module, and the values are lists of parameters sent by the app. These functions can be either PHP method names from the output/mobile.php class, or Web Services.

In case of using PHP method names, the parameters array will be ignored and the default parameters will be sent: courseid, cmid, and userid. With Web Services, an empty parameters array will indicate sending the default parameters; but using specific values it is possible to customize which are sent. This can include some additional parameters not present in the defaults, such as courseids (a list of the courses the user is enrolled in) and {component}id (for example, for mod_certificate this would be certificateid).

Prefetching the module will also download all the files returned by the methods in these offline functions (in the files array).

Note that if your functions use additional custom parameters using this option won't work. For example, if you implement multiple pages within a module's view function using a page parameter, the app won't know which page to send. In situations where you need to prefetch more complex data, you should use Prefetch Handlers instead.

You can find some examples below.
downloadbuttontrueWhether to display download button in the module.

Only used if there is any offline function.
isresourcefalseWhether the module is a resource. If the handler relies on the module contents, this should be true.

Only used if there is any offline function.
updatesnames/.*/A regular expression to check which module updates are considered to mark it as outdated in the app. In particular, this regular expression will be matched against the field names returned by the core_course_check_updates Web Service. If none of the updated fields match the regular expression, they will be ignored and the module won't need to be prefetched again.

Only used if there is any offline function.

You can find some examples below.
displayopeninbrowsertrueWhether the module should display the "Open in browser" option in the top-right menu (only for teachers).

Before 4.4, this was displayed to everyone, not just teachers.

This can also be configured in JavaScript with this.displayOpenInBrowser = false;.
displaydescriptiontrueWhether the module should display the "Description" option in the top-right menu.

This can also be configured in JavaScript with this.displayDescription = false;.
displayrefreshtrueWhether the module should display the "Refresh" option in the top-right menu.

This can also be configured in JavaScript with this.displayRefresh = false;.
displayprefetchtrueWhether the module should display the download option in the top-right menu.

This can also be configured in JavaScript with this.displayPrefetch = false;.
displaysizetrueWhether the module should display the downloaded size in the top-right menu.

This can also be configured in JavaScript with this.displaySize = false;.
supportedfeatures[]Associative array with configuration for the features supported in the plugin. If you need to calculate these dynamically, you can implement the supportsFeature function in the JavaScript.

Some features are not available in the app and they will be ignored. The available features are FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, FEATURE_MOD_PURPOSE, FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE, FEATURE_SHOW_DESCRIPTION, and FEATURE_NO_VIEW_LINK.

You can find some examples below.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.

Example offlinefunctions values

Using PHP method names:

'mobile_course_view' => [],
'mobile_issues_view' => [],

Using Web Services:

'mod_certificate_view_course' => [], // Will receive default parameters: courseid, cmid, and userid.
'mod_certificate_view_certificate' => ['courseid', 'certificateid'], // Will receive courseid and certificateid.

Example updatesnames values

The following regular expression would only consider the "grades" and "gradeitems" fields in module updates to consider a module outdated:


Example supportedfeatures values


Example supportedFeatures() JavaScript definition

var result = {
supportsFeature: function(feature) {
if (feature === 'viewlink') {
return true;

if (feature === 'mod_purpose') {
return 'assessment';



Add new option in the user profile page.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the option.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the option. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.iconRequiredThe icon to use in the option. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the option.
type'listitem'Visual representation of the option, accepted values are listitem and button.

Before 4.4, the accepted values were newpage and communication (newpage was the default).
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority options are displayed first.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Add support for a custom course format. The template returned by this handler also has access to the following properties:

You can learn more about this in the Course Formats example.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


canviewallsectionstrueWhether the course format allows seeing all sections in a single page.
displaycourseindextrueWhether the course index should be displayed.


Add new option in the settings page.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the option.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the option. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.iconRequiredThe icon to use in the option. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
displaydata.class-A CSS class to add in the option.
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority options are displayed first.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Add support for custom user notification settings. This will add a new option in the actions menu of the user notifications page (User menu > Preferences > Notifications).

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydataRequiredAn associative array with configuration options for the option.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the option. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.iconRequiredThe icon to use in the option. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
priority0Priority of the handler, higher priority options are displayed first.
ptrenabledtrueWhether to enable the PTR (pull-to-refresh) gesture in the page.


Add support for a custom block. Blocks can be displayed in Site Home, Dashboard and Course page.

Template type: Dynamic
JavaScript overrides: None
JavaScript component: None


displaydata-An associative array with configuration options for the block.
displaydata.titleRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the block. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
displaydata.class'block_{block-name}'A CSS class to add in the block.
displaydata.type-Predefined type of block to render, available options are title and prerendered.

title blocks will render a single button with the name of the block, and they will open a page rendered using the method.

prerendered blocks will use the pre-rendered content and footer returned by the Web Services (like core_block_get_course_blocks).

When this option is missing, the block will be rendered using method or fallback.
fallback-Name of another block to use in order to render the block in the app. This can be useful for custom blocks that have the same graphical interface as other block, even if they are technically different blocks.


Add support for a custom question type.

You can learn more about this in the Question Types example.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: CoreQuestionHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsQuestionComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom question behaviour.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: CoreQuestionBehaviourHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsQuestionBehaviourComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom user profile field.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: CoreUserProfileFieldHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsUserProfileFieldComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom quiz access rule.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: AddonModQuizAccessRuleHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsQuizAccessRuleComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom assign submission.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: AddonModAssignSubmissionHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsAssignSubmissionComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom assign feedback.

Template type: Static
JavaScript overrides: AddonModAssignFeedbackHandler
JavaScript component: CoreSitePluginsAssignFeedbackComponent

This handler does not have any specific options.


Add support for a custom workshop assessment strategy.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the AddonWorkshopAssessmentStrategyHandler interface declaration.


Allows you to intercept what happens when links are clicked. For example, you can open a plugin page when a link is clicked. The Moodle app automatically creates some link handlers for module plugins, you can learn more about this and how to use link handlers in the Link Handlers example.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CoreContentLinksHandler interface declaration.


Allows you to intercept what happens when push notifications are clicked.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CorePushNotificationsClickHandler interface declaration.


Allows you to implement custom logic to prefetch module content. You can learn more about this in the Prefetch Handlers example.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CoreCourseModulePrefetchHandler interface declaration.


Add new option in the upload file picker.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CoreFileUploaderHandler interface declaration.


Perform operations with files such as listening to file events (download, deletion, etc.) or using a different URL when downloading.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CorePluginFileHandler interface declaration.


Add support for a custom filter. Note that you'll only need this if you have to manipulate the content with JavaScript, PHP filters are applied in the content before sending the HTML to the app.

This handler can only be registered using JavaScript initialisation, you can find more about it in the CoreFilterHandler interface declaration.

CoreEnrolDelegate 4.3+

Add support for custom enrolment methods. You can see an example of customizing the default behaviour using JavaScript in the Self Enrolment example.

This delegate was introduced in version 4.3 of the app.

Template type: None
JavaScript overrides: CoreEnrolHandler (only when enrolmentAction is self or guest)
JavaScript component: None


enrolmentAction'browser'Action performed by the handler. Possible values are: browser, self, and guest.

browser opens the browser to perform the enrolment in the LMS, outside of the app.

self requires implementing the enrol function in JavaScript. Also, the PHP class extending enrol_plugin must return some data in the get_enrol_info method.

guest allows users to enter the course as guests. It requires implementing the canAccess and validateAccess functions in the JavaScript initialisation JavaScript. Also, the PHP class extending enrol_plugin must return some data in the get_enrol_info method.
infoIcons[]Array of icons related to enrolment to display next to the course. These can also be calculated dynamically in JavaScript using course information.
infoIcons[].iconRequiredThe icon to use. See the ion-icon documentation for available values.
infoIcons[].labelRequiredLanguage string identifier to use in the aria-label of the icon. See the localisation documentation to learn more.
infoIcons[].className-A CSS class to add in the icon.


In addition to built-in Angular and Ionic Components, the following are also available in the Moodle App.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, you can find all the components available in the app under src/core/components.


Formats the text and adds functionality specific for the app. For example, it adds core-link to links, core-external-content to embedded media, applies filters, etc.


textRequiredText to format.
siteIdCurrent site IDSite ID for contextual functionality, such as downloads.
component-Component for contextual functionality, such as downloads.
componentId-Component ID for contextual functionality, such as downloads.
adaptImgtrueWhether to adapt images to screen width.
cleanfalseWhether to treat the contents as plain text and remove all the HTML tags.
singleLinefalseWhether to remove new lines and display the text in a single line.

Only used if clean is true.
highlight-Text to highlight.
filter-Whether to apply filters text contents. If not defined, it will be true when contextLevel and instanceId are set.
contextLevel'system'Context level of the text. Possible values are system, user, coursecat, course, module, and block.
contextInstanceId-Instance ID related to the context.
courseId-Course ID related to the context. It can be useful to improve performance with filters.
wsNotFilteredfalseUsed to indicate that the Web Services didn't filter the text for some reason.
captureLinkstrueWhether links should be open inside the app if possible.
openLinksInAppfalseWhether links should be opened in InAppBrowser.
hideIfEmptyfalseWhether to hide the element when the text is empty.
disabledfalseWhether to disable elements with autoplay.


<core-format-text text="<% cm.description %>" component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>">


Adds buttons to the header of the current page.


slot-When this attribute is present, buttons will only be added if the header has some buttons in that position. Otherwise, they will be added to the first <ion-buttons> found in the header.
hidden-When this attribute is present, with any value, all the buttons are hidden.
prepend-When this attribute is present, with any value, the buttons will be added to the beginning. Otherwise, they are added at the end.


<core-navbar-buttons slot="end">
<ion-button (click)="action()">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="funnel"></ion-icon>

You can also use it to add options to the context menu:

[priority]="500" content="Nice boat" (action)="boatFunction()"


Handles a remote file. It shows the file name, icon (depending on mime type), and a button to download or refresh it. Users can identify if the file is downloaded or not based on the button.


fileRequiredObject with data about the file to download.
file.filenameRequiredName of the file to download.
file.url-Url of the file to download.

Required if file.fileurl is missing.
file.fileurl-Url of the file to download.

Required if file.url is missing.
file.timemodified-Time modified of the file, used to find out if the file needs to be downloaded again in the app.
file.filesize-File size, used to request confirmation before downloading large files.
component-Component related with the file.
componentId-ID to use in conjunction with the component.
canDeletefalseWhether the file can be deleted.
alwaysDownloadfalseWhether it should always display the refresh button when the file is downloaded. Use it for files that you cannot determine if they're outdated or not.
canDownloadtrueWhether file can be downloaded.
showSizetrueWhether show the file size.
showTimetrueWhether show the time modified.
onDelete-Listener for the file being deleted.


fileurl: '<% issue.url %>',
filename: '<% %>',
timemodified: '<% issue.timemodified %>',
filesize: '<% issue.size %>'
componentId="<% %>">


Text editor to write rich content including formatting text, inserting links and images, uploading files, etc.

Using this component may require setting up a FormControl, you can learn more about this in the Forms example.


placeholder-Placeholder to show when the editor content is empty.
control-Form control. Learn more about this in the Forms example.
name'core-rich-text-editor'Form input name.
component-Component to link uploaded files.
componentId-ID to use in conjunction with the component.
autoSavetrueWhether to auto-save the contents in a draft.
contextLevel'system'Context level of the text. Possible values are system, user, coursecat, course, module, and block.
contextInstanceId0Instance ID related to the context.
elementId-ID to set to the element.
draftExtraParams-Extra parameters to identify the draft.


Even though ion-icon is a built-in Ionic component, it has additional functionality in the Moodle App. In particular, it's possible to use more icons besides Ionicons.

This can be achieved using different prefixes in the name attribute:

We encourage the use of Font Awesome icons to match the appearance of the LMS website.


Show the "pizza-slice" icon from Font Awesome regular library:

<ion-icon name="fas-pizza-slice"></ion-icon>


In addition to built-in Angular Directives, the following are also available in the Moodle App.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, you can find all the components available in the app under src/core/directives.


Makes an element collapsible.

This directive takes a single argument, which is optional, to indicate the max height to render the content box. The minimum accepted value is 56. Using the argument will force display: block to calculate the height better. If you want to avoid this, use class="inline" at the same time to use display: inline-block.


<div collapsible-item>

Performs several checks upon link navigation, like launching a browser instead of overriding the app.

This directive is applied automatically to all the links and media inside of core-format-text components.


capturefalseWhether the link should be captured by the app instead of opening a browser. See CoreContentLinksDelegate to learn more.
inAppfalseWhether to open in an embedded browser rather than the system browser.
autoLogin'check'Whether to open the link with auto-login. Possible values are yes, no, and check (Auto-login only if the link belongs to the current site)
showBrowserWarningtrueWhether to show a warning before opening browser.


<a href="<% cm.url %>" core-link>Open</a>
<a href="" core-link [capture]="true">
Open Moodle course within the Moodle App


Handle links to files and embedded files. This directive should be used in any link to a file or any embedded file that you want to have available when the app is offline.

If a file is downloaded, its URL will be replaced by the local file URL.

This directive is applied automatically to all the links and media inside of core-format-text components.


siteIdCurrent site IDSite ID to use.
component-Component to use when downloading embedded files.
componentId-ID to use in conjunction with the component.


<img src="<% event.iconurl %>" core-external-content component="mod_certificate" componentId="<% %>">

Open user profile when clicked.


userIdRequiredUser ID to open the profile.
courseId-Course id to show the user info related to that course.


<a ion-item core-user-link userId="<% userid %>">Open user profile</a>


Download and open a file when clicked.

For most cases, it is recommended to use the core-file component instead because it will display some useful information about the file.


core-download-fileRequiredObject with data about the file to download.
core-download-file.url-Url of the file to download.

Required if core-download-file.fileurl is missing.
core-download-file.fileurl-Url of the file to download.

Required if core-download-file.url is missing.
core-download-file.timemodified-Time modified of the file, used to find out if the file needs to be downloaded again in the app.
core-download-file.filesize-File size, used to request confirmation before downloading large files.
component-Component related with the file.
componentId-ID to use in conjunction with the component.


fileurl: <% issue.url %>,
timemodified: <% issue.timemodified %>,
filesize: <% issue.size %>
componentId="<% %>">
{{ ' | translate }}


Download and open the main file of a module when clicked. This directive is intended for modules like mod_resource.


moduleModule object.

Required if moduleId is missing.
moduleIdID of the module to open.

Required if module is missing.
courseIdCourse ID.
component-Component related with the file.
componentId-ID to use in conjunction with the component.
filesmodule.contentsList of files of the module.


<ion-button expand="block" core-course-download-module-main-file moduleId="<% cmid %>"
courseId="<% certificate.course %>" component="mod_certificate"
fileurl: '<% issue.fileurl %>',
filename: '<% issue.filename %>',
timemodified: '<% issue.timemodified %>',
mimetype: '<% issue.mimetype %>',
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.getcertificate' | translate }}


Open new content when clicked. This content can be displayed in a new page or in the current page, if the current page is already displaying plugin content. This directive is typically used to navigate through plugin pages.


componentRequiredComponent for the new content.
methodRequiredName of the PHP method for the new page request.
args-Parameters to include in the new page request.
preSets-Additional configuration for the Web Service request. You can find the available options in the CoreSiteWSPreSets type declaration.
samePagefalseWhether to display content in the same page instead of a new one. This will only work for pages already rendered by plugins, otherwise a new page will be open regardless of this value.
title-Language string identifier to use in the new page. See the localisation documentation to learn more.

Only used if samePage is false.
useOtherData-Whether to include otherdata from the content response in the arguments for the new page request. If this attribute is undefined or not supplied, otherdata will not be included. If this attribute is an array of strings, it'll be used to include only the indicated properties. For any other value (including falsy values like false, null, or an empty string), the entire otherdata will be sent. Additionally, any nested arrays or object will be sent as a JSON-string.
form-ID or name to identify a form in the template, that will be obtained from document.forms. The form data will be included in the arguments for the new page request.

You can learn more about forms in the Forms example.
jsData-JavaScript variables to pass to the new page so they can be used in the template or JavaScript. This attribute can also be set to true, in which case all initial variables from current page will be used.
ptrEnabledtrueWhether to enable PTR (pull-to-refresh) in the new page.


A button that loads content in a new page:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content
title="<% %>" component="mod_certificate"
method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.viewissued' | translate }}

A button that loads content in the current page, and includes userid from otherdata in the request:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content
component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view"
[args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}" samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.viewissued' | translate }}


Calls a Web Service when clicked. Depending on the response, the current page will be refreshed, a message will be displayed, or the application will navigate back to the previous page.

If you'd rather load new content when the Web Service request is done, use core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content instead.

You can see this directive in use in the Forms example.


nameRequiredThe name of the Web Service to call.
params-Parameters for the Web Service request.
preSets-Additional configuration for the Web Service request. You can find the available options in the CoreSiteWSPreSets type declaration.
useOtherDataForWS-Whether to include otherdata from the content response in the arguments for the new page request. If this attribute is undefined or not supplied, otherdata will not be included. If this attribute is an array of strings, it'll be used to include only the indicated properties. For any other value (including falsy values like false, null, or an empty string), the entire otherdata will be sent. Additionally, any nested arrays or object will be sent as a JSON-string.
form-ID or name to identify a form in the template, that will be obtained from document.forms. The form data will be included in the arguments for the new page request.

You can learn more about forms in the Forms example.
confirmMessage-Message to confirm the action when the user clicks the element. If this attribute is supplied with an empty string, "Are you sure?" will be used.
showErrortrueWhether to show an error message if the WS call fails.
successMessage-Message to show on success. If not supplied, no message. If this attribute is supplied with an empty string, "Success" will be used.
goBackOnSuccessfalseWhether to go back if the Web Service call is successful.
refreshOnSuccessfalseWhether to refresh the current page if the Web Service call is successful.
onSuccess-A function to call when the Web Service call is successful (HTTP call successful and no exception returned).
onError-A function to call when the Web Service call fails (HTTP call fails or an exception is returned).
onDone-A function to call when the Web Service call finishes (either success or fail).


A button to send some data to the server without using cache, displaying default messages and refreshing on success:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws
name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}" confirmMessage successMessage
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.senddata' | translate }}

A button to send some data to the server using cache without confirming, going back on success and using userid from otherdata:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws
name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
goBackOnSuccess="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.senddata' | translate }}

Same as the previous example, but implementing custom JS code to run on success:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws
name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
[useOtherData]="['userid']" (onSuccess)="certificateViewed($event)">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.senddata' | translate }}
this.certificateViewed = function(result) {
// Code to run when the WS call is successful.


Calls a Web Service when clicked and loads new content passing the Web Service result as arguments. This content can be displayed in a new page or in the current page, if the current page is already displaying plugin content.

If you don't need to load new content, use core-site-plugins-call-ws instead.


nameRequiredThe name of the Web Service to call.
params-Parameters for the Web Service request.
preSets-Additional configuration for the Web Service request. You can find the available options in the CoreSiteWSPreSets type declaration.
useOtherDataForWS-Whether to include otherdata from the content response in the arguments for the new page request. If this attribute is undefined or not supplied, otherdata will not be included. If this attribute is an array of strings, it'll be used to include only the indicated properties. For any other value (including falsy values like false, null, or an empty string), the entire otherdata will be sent. Additionally, any nested arrays or object will be sent as a JSON-string.
form-ID or name to identify a form in the template, that will be obtained from document.forms. The form data will be included in the arguments for the new page request.

You can learn more about forms in the Forms example.
confirmMessage-Message to confirm the action when the user clicks the element. If this attribute is supplied with an empty string, "Are you sure?" will be used.
showErrortrueWhether to show an error message if the WS call fails.
componentRequiredComponent for the new content.
methodRequiredName of the PHP method for the new page request.
args-Parameters to include in the new page request.
samePagefalseWhether to display content in the same page instead of a new one. This will only work for pages already rendered by plugins, otherwise a new page will be open regardless of this value.
title-Language string identifier to use in the new page. See the localisation documentation to learn more.

Only used if samePage is false.
useOtherData-Whether to include otherdata from the content response in the arguments for the new page request. If this attribute is undefined or not supplied, otherdata will not be included. If this attribute is an array of strings, it'll be used to include only the indicated properties. For any other value (including falsy values like false, null, or an empty string), the entire otherdata will be sent. Additionally, any nested arrays or object will be sent as a JSON-string.
jsData-JavaScript variables to pass to the new page so they can be used in the template or JavaScript. This attribute can also be set to true, in which case all initial variables from current page will be used.
newContentPreSets-Additional configuration for the Web Service request for the new page. You can find the available options in the CoreSiteWSPreSets type declaration.
onSuccess-A function to call when the Web Service call is successful (HTTP call successful and no exception returned).
onError-A function to call when the Web Service call fails (HTTP call fails or an exception is returned).
onDone-A function to call when the Web Service call finishes (either success or fail).
ptrEnabledtrueWhether to enable PTR (pull-to-refresh) in the new page.


A button to get some data from the server without using cache, showing default confirm and displaying a new page:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content
name="mod_certificate_get_issued_certificates" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}" confirmMessage
title="<% %>" component="mod_certificate"
method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.getissued' | translate }}

A button to get some data from the server using cache, without confirm, displaying new content in same page and using userid from otherdata:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content
name="mod_certificate_get_issued_certificates" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view"
[args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}"
samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.getissued' | translate }}

Same as the previous example, but implementing a custom JavaScript code to run on success:

<ion-button core-site-plugins-call-ws-new-content
name="mod_certificate_get_issued_certificates" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view"
[args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}"
samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']" (onSuccess)="callDone($event)">
{{ 'plugin.mod_certificate.getissued' | translate }}
this.callDone = function(result) {
// Code to run when the WS call is successful.


Call a Web Service as soon as the template is loaded. This directive is meant for actions to do in the background, like calling logging Web Services.

If you want to call a Web Service when the user clicks on a certain element, use core-site-plugins-call-ws instead.


nameRequiredThe name of the Web Service to call.
params-Parameters for the Web Service request.
preSets-Additional configuration for the Web Service request. You can find the available options in the CoreSiteWSPreSets type declaration.
useOtherDataForWS-Whether to include otherdata from the content response in the arguments for the new page request. If this attribute is undefined or not supplied, otherdata will not be included. If this attribute is an array of strings, it'll be used to include only the indicated properties. For any other value (including falsy values like false, null, or an empty string), the entire otherdata will be sent. Additionally, any nested arrays or object will be sent as a JSON-string.
form-ID or name to identify a form in the template, that will be obtained from document.forms. The form data will be included in the arguments for the new page request.

You can learn more about forms in the Forms example.
onSuccess-A function to call when the Web Service call is successful (HTTP call successful and no exception returned).
onError-A function to call when the Web Service call fails (HTTP call fails or an exception is returned).
onDone-A function to call when the Web Service call finishes (either success or fail).


<span core-site-plugins-call-ws-on-load
name="mod_certificate_view_certificate" [params]="{certificateid: <% %>}"
[preSets]="{getFromCache: 0, saveToCache: 0}" (onSuccess)="callDone($event)">
this.callDone = function(result) {
// Code to run when the WS call is successful.


When writing JavaScript in plugins, many of the app services are available as well.

Given the magnitude of the codebase, we're not going to document all the services here. Instead, we suggest that you take a look at the source code directly. The application is written with TypeScript and has extensive documentation blocks, so it shouldn't be hard to navigate the APIs available. You can start looking where the services are injected to the plugins runtime, in src/core/features/compile/services/compile.ts.